Home > Scripting, Shell > RunAs + SystemRoot\system32 on a 64 Bits box

RunAs + SystemRoot\system32 on a 64 Bits box


Problem: From a 64bits machine (logged as a Domain User) i cannot run Qwsinta or Qprocess,… from a CMD (ran as Domain Admin)



When i launch cmd as admin (runas) i cannot find or use qwinsta qprocess rwinsta… even if im in %systemroot%\system32, here is the reason why:
“32-bit applications can access the native system directory by substituting
%windir%\Sysnative for %windir%\System32. WOW64 recognizes Sysnative as a
special alias used to indicate that the file system should not redirect the
access. The Sysnative is just a virtual directory, alias or pseudo-directory
that is not visible in Windows Explorer, directory listing, and does not
support native 64-bit processes that already been accessing the
%windir%\System32 folder. As such, Sysnative can only be used in file system
calls, and not in application’s user interface such as dialog box to open or
select folder.”



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