
Posts Tagged ‘WinRm’

Comparing RPC, WMI and WinRM for remote server management with PowerShell V2

2010/06/03 Leave a comment


1. Overview

In a recent blog post, I was looking at PowerShell V2 remoting in Windows Server 2008 R2.
If you haven’t seen it, take a look at

In that post, I mentioned three different ways to gather information about services on a remove server (throughout this post, I use this task as an example of what I administrator would run remotely):

· Using Get-Service with the –ComputerName parameter (RPC)

· Using Get-WMIObject with a –ComputerName parameter (WMI)

· Using Invoke-Command to execute Get-Service remotely (WinRM)

In this post, I spent more time looking deeper at some the most significant differences between them.

2. Commands and Outputs

For starters, here are the three versions of a sample command to query a remote server and the output they produce: the first using Get-Service, the second using Get-WMIObject  and the third using Invoke-Command.

From an IT Administrator perspective, the Get-Service form is short and to the point. It is a good example of how PowerShell makes things simple to manage.

The Invoke-Command is not so bad either, with the advantage that IT Administrators don’t have to restrict themselves to cmdlets that have the –ComputerName option.

The Get-WMIObject seems a bit scary for someone without a developer background. You also lose some of the discoverability advantages of PowerShell (you can’t press TAB to complete your query, for instance).

On the other hand, for developers familiar with Win32 APIs and WMI classes, the option to use Get-WMIObject  seems very attractive.

Get-Service LanManServer -ComputerName josebda-s0

Status   Name          DisplayName
------   ----          -----------
Running  LanManServer  Server

Get-WMIObject -ComputerName josebda-s0 -query “Select * from Win32_Service Where Name=’LanManServer ‘” | ft

ExitCode Name           ProcessId StartMode  State    Status
-------- ----           --------- ---------  -----    ------
 0 LanmanServer         868 Auto       Running  OK

Invoke-Command josebda-s0 {Get-Service LanManServer}

Status   Name          DisplayName   PSComputerName
------   ----          -----------   --------------
Running  LanManServer  Server        josebda-s0

3. Properties and Methods

While the three options look similar, the objects returned are different. The first is of type “System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController”, the second returns the type “System.Management.ManagementObject#root\cimv2\Win32_Service” and last one is of type “Deserialized.System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController”. Take a look below at the details on each different type below, obtained using Get-Member.  Note that the deserialized version has no methods to perform actions on the service, like stop or start.

Get-Service LanManServer -ComputerName josebda-s0 | Get-Member

TypeName: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
Name                      MemberType    Definition
----                      ----------    ----------
Name                      AliasProperty Name = ServiceName
RequiredServices          AliasProperty RequiredServices = ServicesDependedOn
Disposed                  Event         System.EventHandler Disposed(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
Close                     Method        System.Void Close()
Continue                  Method        System.Void Continue()
CreateObjRef              Method        System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef CreateObjRef(type requestedType)
Dispose                   Method        System.Void Dispose()
Equals                    Method        bool Equals(System.Object obj)
ExecuteCommand            Method        System.Void ExecuteCommand(int command)
GetHashCode               Method        int GetHashCode()
GetLifetimeService        Method        System.Object GetLifetimeService()
GetType                   Method        type GetType()
InitializeLifetimeService Method        System.Object InitializeLifetimeService()
Pause                     Method        System.Void Pause()
Refresh                   Method        System.Void Refresh()
Start                     Method        System.Void Start(), System.Void Start(string[] args)
Stop                      Method        System.Void Stop()
ToString                  Method        string ToString()
WaitForStatus             Method        System.Void WaitForStatus(System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus desi...
CanPauseAndContinue       Property      System.Boolean CanPauseAndContinue {get;}
CanShutdown               Property      System.Boolean CanShutdown {get;}
CanStop                   Property      System.Boolean CanStop {get;}
Container                 Property      System.ComponentModel.IContainer Container {get;}
DependentServices         Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] DependentServices {get;}
DisplayName               Property      System.String DisplayName {get;set;}
MachineName               Property      System.String MachineName {get;set;}
ServiceHandle             Property      System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle ServiceHandle {get;}
ServiceName               Property      System.String ServiceName {get;set;}
ServicesDependedOn        Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] ServicesDependedOn {get;}
ServiceType               Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceType ServiceType {get;}
Site                      Property      System.ComponentModel.ISite Site {get;set;}
Status                    Property      System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus Status {get;}
Get-WMIObject -computername josebda-s0 -query "Select * from Win32_Service Where Name='LanManServer'" | Get-Member
TypeName: System.Management.ManagementObject#root\cimv2\Win32_Service
Name                    MemberType   Definition
----                    ----------   ----------
Change                  Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject Change(System.String DisplayName, System...
ChangeStartMode         Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject ChangeStartMode(System.String StartMode)
Delete                  Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject Delete()
GetSecurityDescriptor   Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject GetSecurityDescriptor()
InterrogateService      Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject InterrogateService()
PauseService            Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject PauseService()
ResumeService           Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject ResumeService()
SetSecurityDescriptor   Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject SetSecurityDescriptor(System.Management....
StartService            Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject StartService()
StopService             Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject StopService()
UserControlService      Method       System.Management.ManagementBaseObject UserControlService(System.Byte ControlCode)
AcceptPause             Property     System.Boolean AcceptPause {get;set;}
AcceptStop              Property     System.Boolean AcceptStop {get;set;}
Caption                 Property     System.String Caption {get;set;}
CheckPoint              Property     System.UInt32 CheckPoint {get;set;}
CreationClassName       Property     System.String CreationClassName {get;set;}
Description             Property     System.String Description {get;set;}
DesktopInteract         Property     System.Boolean DesktopInteract {get;set;}
DisplayName             Property     System.String DisplayName {get;set;}
ErrorControl            Property     System.String ErrorControl {get;set;}
ExitCode                Property     System.UInt32 ExitCode {get;set;}
InstallDate             Property     System.String InstallDate {get;set;}
Name                    Property     System.String Name {get;set;}
PathName                Property     System.String PathName {get;set;}
ProcessId               Property     System.UInt32 ProcessId {get;set;}
ServiceSpecificExitCode Property     System.UInt32 ServiceSpecificExitCode {get;set;}
ServiceType             Property     System.String ServiceType {get;set;}
Started                 Property     System.Boolean Started {get;set;}
StartMode               Property     System.String StartMode {get;set;}
StartName               Property     System.String StartName {get;set;}
State                   Property     System.String State {get;set;}
Status                  Property     System.String Status {get;set;}
SystemCreationClassName Property     System.String SystemCreationClassName {get;set;}
SystemName              Property     System.String SystemName {get;set;}
TagId                   Property     System.UInt32 TagId {get;set;}
WaitHint                Property     System.UInt32 WaitHint {get;set;}
__CLASS                 Property     System.String __CLASS {get;set;}
__DERIVATION            Property     System.String[] __DERIVATION {get;set;}
__DYNASTY               Property     System.String __DYNASTY {get;set;}
__GENUS                 Property     System.Int32 __GENUS {get;set;}
__NAMESPACE             Property     System.String __NAMESPACE {get;set;}
__PATH                  Property     System.String __PATH {get;set;}
__PROPERTY_COUNT        Property     System.Int32 __PROPERTY_COUNT {get;set;}
__RELPATH               Property     System.String __RELPATH {get;set;}
__SERVER                Property     System.String __SERVER {get;set;}
__SUPERCLASS            Property     System.String __SUPERCLASS {get;set;}
PSConfiguration         PropertySet  PSConfiguration {DesktopInteract, ErrorControl, Name, PathName, ServiceType, St...
PSStatus                PropertySet  PSStatus {Name, Status, ExitCode}
ConvertFromDateTime     ScriptMethod System.Object ConvertFromDateTime();
ConvertToDateTime       ScriptMethod System.Object ConvertToDateTime();

Invoke-Command josebda-s0 {Get-Service LanManServer} | Get-Member

TypeName: Deserialized.System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
Name                MemberType   Definition
----                ----------   ----------
ToString            Method       string ToString(), string ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProv...
Name                NoteProperty System.String Name=LanManServer
PSComputerName      NoteProperty System.String PSComputerName=josebda-s0
PSShowComputerName  NoteProperty System.Boolean PSShowComputerName=True
RequiredServices    NoteProperty Deserialized.System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] RequiredServices=System.Serv...
RunspaceId          NoteProperty System.Guid RunspaceId=b7769bc0-4283-4465-bffd-94be34c9e32f
CanPauseAndContinue Property     System.Boolean {get;set;}
CanShutdown         Property     System.Boolean {get;set;}
CanStop             Property     System.Boolean {get;set;}
Container           Property      {get;set;}
DependentServices   Property     Deserialized.System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] {get;set;}
DisplayName         Property     System.String {get;set;}
MachineName         Property     System.String {get;set;}
ServiceHandle       Property     System.String {get;set;}
ServiceName         Property     System.String {get;set;}
ServicesDependedOn  Property     Deserialized.System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] {get;set;}
ServiceType         Property     System.String {get;set;}
Site                Property      {get;set;}
Status              Property     System.String {get;set;}

4. Measurements

Beyond this basic difference in functionality, these three options perform at completely different levels.
To look into how this translates in term of performance, I used the Measure-Command commandlet.

I ran the commands a few times first, in order to warm both local and remote stacks and avoid issues related to DNS lookups, authentication, etc. The samples below were taken after that.

Keep in mind that these results can vary widely depending on your server and network configuration. I would strongly encourage you to take these measuruments in your own test environment to validate them.

Measure-Command {Get-Service LanManServer -ComputerName josebda-s0}

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 0
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 4
Ticks             : 44539
TotalDays         : 5.15497685185185E-08
TotalHours        : 1.23719444444444E-06
TotalMinutes      : 7.42316666666667E-05
TotalSeconds      : 0.0044539
TotalMilliseconds : 4.4539

(Measure-Command {Get-Service LanManServer -ComputerName  josebda-s0}).TotalMilliseconds


Measure-command {Get-WMIObject -ComputerName josebda-s0 -query “Select * from Win32_Service Where Name=’LanManServer'” }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 0
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 148
Ticks             : 1484424
TotalDays         : 1.71808333333333E-06
TotalHours        : 4.1234E-05
TotalMinutes      : 0.00247404
TotalSeconds      : 0.1484424
TotalMilliseconds : 148.4424

(Measure-command {Get-WMIObject -ComputerName josebda-s0 -query “Select * from Win32_Service Where Name=’LanManServer'” }).TotalMilliseconds


Measure-Command {Invoke-Command josebda-s0 {Get-Service LanManServer}}

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 0
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 869
Ticks             : 8695210
TotalDays         : 1.0063900462963E-05
TotalHours        : 0.000241533611111111
TotalMinutes      : 0.0144920166666667
TotalSeconds      : 0.869521
TotalMilliseconds : 869.521

(Measure-Command {Invoke-Command josebda-s0 {Get-Service LanManServer}}).TotalMilliseconds


As you can see, Invoke-Command takes much longer than the other two. However, there is a way to improve the performance of Invoke-Command by first creating a session and re-using that session in later commands. Here’s how:

$s = New-PSSession josebda-s0


Id Name            ComputerName    State    ConfigurationName     Availability
-- ----            ------------    -----    -----------------     ------------
1 Session1        josebda-s0      Opened   Microsoft.PowerShell     Available

Invoke-Command -Session $s {Get-Service LanManServer}

Status   Name               DisplayName                            PSComputerName
------   ----               -----------                            --------------
Running  LanManServer       Server                                 josebda-s0

With that change, Invoke-Command is much faster than before in subsequent calls.

Measure-Command { Invoke-Command -Session $s {Get-Service LanManServer} }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 0
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 14
Ticks             : 140436
TotalDays         : 1.62541666666667E-07
TotalHours        : 3.901E-06
TotalMinutes      : 0.00023406
TotalSeconds      : 0.0140436
TotalMilliseconds : 14.0436

(Measure-Command { Invoke-Command -Session $s {Get-Service LanManServer} }).TotalMilliseconds


5. Summarizing Measurements

As you can see, the different options perform very differently. The fastest and slowest are actually orders of magnitude apart.

Because there could be slight variations in the performance depending on what else is running on the administrator’s computer, I used a loop to execute each one 20 times.

Here are the commands I used:

1..20 | % {(measure-command {Get-Service LanManServer -ComputerName  josebda-s0}).TotalMilliseconds}

1..20 | % {(Measure-command {Get-WMIObject -ComputerName josebda-s0 -query “Select * from Win32_Service Where Name=’LanManServer'” }).TotalMilliseconds}

1..20 | % {(Measure-Command {Invoke-Command josebda-s0 {Get-Service LanManServer}}).TotalMilliseconds}

1..20 | % {(Measure-Command {Invoke-Command $s {Get-Service LanManServer}}).TotalMilliseconds}

I then pasted the output into Excel and added some formulas to produce the table below.

As you can see, in average, Get-Service was over 250 times faster than Invoke-Command with servername.

While those 20 commands take less than a tenth of second for Get-Service, it took over 18 seconds to execute the 20 commands for Invoke-Command with Servername.

Invoke-Command with –session separates the heavy lifting of creating a session out of the picture runs all the 20 commands in a quarter of a second.
Get-WMIObject took a little over 3 seconds to execute all 20 commands.

Again, keep in mind that these results can vary widely depending on your server and network configuration. I would strongly encourage you to take these measurements in your own test environment to validate them.

with -CN
with -CN
with servername
with -session

6. Network Monitor

Next, I went one level deeper by using Network Monitor 3.3 to actually watch the packets on the wire.
As usual, I ran the commands a few times before the capture, to warm both stacks and avoid capturing things like DNS lookups, authentication, etc.

I also filtered the packets to show only the ones where the source or destination address match the remote server where the commands execute.

As expected, the Get-Service version uses RPC. It efficiently sent a dozen IP packets back and forth (in the specific case of the sample command used).

Both the Get-WMIObject and Invoke-Command with servername versions took around a hundred packets to get the job done and both did a lot of serialization of objects.

By looking at the number of TCP continuation packets and their PaylodLen field, you can clearly see how the Invoke-Command uses the highest number of very large packets.
The Invoke-Command with –Session was very efficient (taking into consideration that it also does serialization) at around 20 packets.

Command = Get-Service LanManServer -ComputerName josebda-s0

# Conversation ID Source Dest Protocol Description
1 NetmonFilter NetmonFilter:Updated Capture Filter: Source == “Server” OR Destination == “Server”
2 NetworkInfoEx NetworkInfoEx:Network info for , Network Adapter Count = 2
3 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Request: unknown   Call=0xF  Opnum=0xF  Context=0x0  Hint=0x30
4 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Response: unknown   Call=0xF  Context=0x0  Hint=0x18  Cancels=0x0
5 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Request: unknown   Call=0x10  Opnum=0x15  Context=0x0  Hint=0x40
6 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Response: unknown   Call=0x10  Context=0x0  Hint=0x18  Cancels=0x0
7 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Request: unknown   Call=0x11  Opnum=0x14  Context=0x0  Hint=0x40
8 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Response: unknown   Call=0x11  Context=0x0  Hint=0x24  Cancels=0x0
9 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Request: unknown   Call=0x12  Opnum=0x10  Context=0x0  Hint=0x40
10 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Response: unknown   Call=0x12  Context=0x0  Hint=0x18  Cancels=0x0
11 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Request: unknown   Call=0x13  Opnum=0x6  Context=0x0  Hint=0x14
12 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Response: unknown   Call=0x13  Context=0x0  Hint=0x20  Cancels=0x0
13 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Request: unknown   Call=0x14  Opnum=0x0  Context=0x0  Hint=0x14
14 {MSRPC:33, TCP:32, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Response: unknown   Call=0x14  Context=0x0  Hint=0x18  Cancels=0x0

Command = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName josebda-s0 -query “Select * from Win32_Service Where Name=’LanManServer'”

# Conversation ID Source Dest Protocol Description
1 NetmonFilter NetmonFilter:Updated Capture Filter: Source == “Server” OR Destination == “Server”
2 NetworkInfoEx NetworkInfoEx:Network info for , Network Adapter Count = 2
3 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=……S., SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=0, Seq=2227018716, Ack=0, Win=8192 ( Negotiating scale factor 0x8 ) = 8192
4 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A..S., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=62629, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1052068760, Ack=2227018717, Win=8192 ( Negotiated scale factor 0x8 ) = 2097152
5 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=0, Seq=2227018717, Ack=1052068761, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
6 {MSRPC:63, TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Bind:  UUID{000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} IRemoteSCMActivator(DCOM)  Call=0x14  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
7 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2227020132 – 2227021547, Ack=1052068761, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
8 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=62629, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1052068761, Ack=2227021547, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
9 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2227021547 – 2227022962, Ack=1052068761, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
10 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2227022962 – 2227024377, Ack=1052068761, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
11 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=1028, Seq=2227024377 – 2227025405, Ack=1052068761, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
12 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=62629, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1052068761, Ack=2227025405, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
13 {MSRPC:63, TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x14  Assoc Grp=0x4839  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0 Warning: GssAPIMechanism is not found, either caused by not reassembled, conversation off or filtering.
14 {MSRPC:63, TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} IRemoteSCMActivator(DCOM)  Call=0x14 Warning: GssAPIMechanism is not found, either caused by not reassembled, conversation off or filtering.
15 {MSRPC:63, TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x14  Assoc Grp=0x4839  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0 Warning: GssAPIMechanism is not found, either caused by not reassembled, conversation off or filtering.
16 {MSRPC:63, TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:RemoteCreateInstance Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
17 {MSRPC:63, TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:RemoteCreateInstance Response, ORPCFLOCAL – Local call to this computer
18 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #17]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=62629, PayloadLen=97, Seq=1052070542 – 1052070639, Ack=2227026441, Win=255 (scale factor 0x8) = 65280
19 {TCP:62, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62629, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), PayloadLen=0, Seq=2227026441, Ack=1052070639, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
20 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=……S., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2176414295, Ack=0, Win=8192 ( Negotiating scale factor 0x8 ) = 8192
21 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A..S., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3916206270, Ack=2176414296, Win=8192 ( Negotiated scale factor 0x8 ) = 2097152
22 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2176414296, Ack=3916206271, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
23 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Bind:  UUID{00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} IRemUnknown2(DCOM)  Call=0xA5  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
24 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #23]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2176415711 – 2176417126, Ack=3916206271, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
25 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3916206271, Ack=2176417126, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
26 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #23]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2176417126 – 2176418541, Ack=3916206271, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
27 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #23]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2176418541 – 2176419956, Ack=3916206271, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
28 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #23]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1071, Seq=2176419956 – 2176421027, Ack=3916206271, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
29 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3916206271, Ack=2176421027, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
30 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0xA5  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0 Warning: GssAPIMechanism is not found, either caused by not reassembled, conversation off or filtering.
31 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} IRemUnknown2(DCOM)  Call=0xA5 Warning: GssAPIMechanism is not found, either caused by not reassembled, conversation off or filtering.
32 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xA5  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0 Warning: GssAPIMechanism is not found, either caused by not reassembled, conversation off or filtering.
33 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
34 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
35 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{D4781CD6-E5D3-44DF-AD94-930EFE48A887} IWbemLoginClientID(WMIRP)  Call=0xA6
36 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #35]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2176422817 – 2176424232, Ack=3916206801, Win=257 (scale factor 0x8) = 65792
37 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #35]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2176424232 – 2176425647, Ack=3916206801, Win=257 (scale factor 0x8) = 65792
38 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #35]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2176425647 – 2176427062, Ack=3916206801, Win=257 (scale factor 0x8) = 65792
39 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #35]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=983, Seq=2176427062 – 2176428045, Ack=3916206801, Win=257 (scale factor 0x8) = 65792
40 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3916206801, Ack=2176424232, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
41 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=0, Seq=3916206801, Ack=2176428045, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
42 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xA6  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
43 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{D4781CD6-E5D3-44DF-AD94-930EFE48A887} IWbemLoginClientID(WMIRP)  Call=0xA6
44 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xA6  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
45 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemLoginClientID: SetClientInfo, Request
46 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemLoginClientID: SetClientInfo, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
47 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{F309AD18-D86A-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} IWbemLevel1Login(WMIRP)  Call=0xA7
48 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xA7  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
49 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemLevel1Login: EstablishPosition, Request
50 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemLevel1Login: EstablishPosition, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
51 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemLevel1Login: NTLMLogin, Request
52 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemLevel1Login: NTLMLogin, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
53 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemRelease Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
54 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemRelease Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
55 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
56 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
57 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
58 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
59 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{9556DC99-828C-11CF-A37E-00AA003240C7} IWbemServices(WMIRP)  Call=0xAC
60 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xAC  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
61 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemServices: ExecQuery, Request
62 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemServices: ExecQuery, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
63 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
64 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
65 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
66 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
67 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
68 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
69 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{1C1C45EE-4395-11D2-B60B-00104B703EFD} IWbemFetchSmartEnum(WMIRP)  Call=0xB0
70 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xB0  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
71 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemFetchSmartEnum: GetSmartEnum, Request, No parameters
72 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemFetchSmartEnum: GetSmartEnum, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
73 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{027947E1-D731-11CE-A357-000000000001} IEnumWbemClassObject(WMIRP)  Call=0xB1
74 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xB1  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
75 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IEnumWbemClassObject: Clone, Request, No parameters
76 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IEnumWbemClassObject: Clone, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
77 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
78 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
79 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
80 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
81 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
82 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemQueryInterface Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
83 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemFetchSmartEnum: GetSmartEnum, Request, No parameters
84 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemFetchSmartEnum: GetSmartEnum, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
85 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IEnumWbemClassObject: Reset, Request, No parameters
86 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IEnumWbemClassObject: Reset, Response, Status: WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
87 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{423EC01E-2E35-11D2-B604-00104B703EFD} IWbemWCOSmartEnum(WMIRP)  Call=0xB7
88 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MSRPC MSRPC:c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0xB7  Assoc Grp=0x5205  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
89 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemWCOSmartEnum: Next, Request
90 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemWCOSmartEnum: Next, Response, Status: Unknown Return Value, *Un-Interpreted*
91 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #90]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=3916212478 – 3916213893, Ack=2176431384, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
92 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2176431384, Ack=3916213893, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
93 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #90]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=3916213893 – 3916215308, Ack=2176431384, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
94 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #90]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=3916215308 – 3916216723, Ack=2176431384, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
95 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62630, DstPort=49155, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2176431384, Ack=3916216723, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
96 {TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #90]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=49155, DstPort=62630, PayloadLen=876, Seq=3916216723 – 3916217599, Ack=2176431384, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
97 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server WMI WMI:IWbemWCOSmartEnum: Next, Request
98 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin WMI WMI:IWbemWCOSmartEnum: Next, Response, Status: WBEM_S_FALSE
99 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemRelease Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
100 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemRelease Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet
101 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemRelease Request, DCOM Version=5.7  Causality Id={30148A67-F3D3-4A13-AE58-ED488ED55283}
102 {MSRPC:65, TCP:64, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin DCOM DCOM:IRemUnknown2:RemRelease Response, ORPCFNULL – No additional information in this packet

Command = Invoke-Command josebda-s0 {Get-Service LanManServer}

# Conversation ID Source Dest Protocol Description
1 NetmonFilter NetmonFilter:Updated Capture Filter: Source == “Server” OR Destination == “Server”
2 NetworkInfoEx NetworkInfoEx:Network info for , Network Adapter Count = 2
3 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=……S., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2616192850, Ack=0, Win=8192 ( Negotiating scale factor 0x8 ) = 8192
4 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A..S., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429644, Ack=2616192851, Win=8192 ( Negotiated scale factor 0x8 ) = 2097152
5 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2616192851, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
6 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman, Using Kerberos Authorization
7 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616194266 – 2616195681, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
8 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429645, Ack=2616195681, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
9 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616195681 – 2616197096, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
10 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616197096 – 2616198511, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
11 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616198511 – 2616199926, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
12 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616199926 – 2616201341, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
13 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429645, Ack=2616199926, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
14 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #6]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=362, Seq=2616201341 – 2616201703, Ack=2351429645, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
15 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429645, Ack=2616201703, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
16 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin HTTP HTTP:Response, HTTP/1.1, Status Code = 200, URL: /wsman, Using Kerberos Authentication
17 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
18 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
19 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #18]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616203381 – 2616204796, Ack=2351429986, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
20 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #18]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616204796 – 2616206211, Ack=2351429986, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
21 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #18]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616206211 – 2616207626, Ack=2351429986, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
22 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #18]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2616207626 – 2616209041, Ack=2351429986, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
23 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #18]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=810, Seq=2616209041 – 2616209851, Ack=2351429986, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
24 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429986, Ack=2616203381, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
25 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429986, Ack=2616207626, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
26 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351429986, Ack=2616209851, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
27 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
28 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #27]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=189, Seq=2351431401 – 2351431590, Ack=2616209851, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
29 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2616209851, Ack=2351431590, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
30 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
31 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
32 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #31]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=296, Seq=2616211529 – 2616211825, Ack=2351431590, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
33 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351431590, Ack=2616211825, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
34 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
35 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #34]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=1074, Seq=2351433005 – 2351434079, Ack=2616211825, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
36 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2616211825, Ack=2351434079, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
37 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
38 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
39 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #38]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=296, Seq=2616213503 – 2616213799, Ack=2351434079, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
40 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351434079, Ack=2616213799, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
41 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
42 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #41]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=46, Seq=2351435494 – 2351435540, Ack=2616213799, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
43 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2616213799, Ack=2351435540, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
44 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
45 {HTTP:16, TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
46 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #45]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=296, Seq=2616215477 – 2616215773, Ack=2351435540, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
47 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62655, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2351435540, Ack=2616215773, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
48 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=……S., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2945142219, Ack=0, Win=8192 ( Negotiating scale factor 0x8 ) = 8192
49 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A..S., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=935512, Ack=2945142220, Win=8192 ( Negotiated scale factor 0x8 ) = 2097152
50 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2945142220, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
51 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman, Using Kerberos Authorization
52 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #51]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2945143635 – 2945145050, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
53 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=935513, Ack=2945145050, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
54 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #51]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2945145050 – 2945146465, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
55 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #51]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2945146465 – 2945147880, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
56 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #51]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2945147880 – 2945149295, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
57 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #51]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2945149295 – 2945150710, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
58 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=935513, Ack=2945149295, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
59 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #51]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=362, Seq=2945150710 – 2945151072, Ack=935513, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
60 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=935513, Ack=2945151072, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
61 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin HTTP HTTP:Response, HTTP/1.1, Status Code = 200, URL: /wsman, Using Kerberos Authentication
62 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
63 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
64 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #63]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2945152750 – 2945154165, Ack=935854, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
65 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #63]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1243, Seq=2945154165 – 2945155408, Ack=935854, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
66 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=935854, Ack=2945152750, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
67 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=935854, Ack=2945155408, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
68 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
69 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
70 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
71 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #70]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=345, Seq=2945157086 – 2945157431, Ack=937228, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
72 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=937228, Ack=2945157431, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
73 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
74 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #73]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=1266, Seq=938643 – 939909, Ack=2945157431, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
75 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2945157431, Ack=939909, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
76 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
77 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
78 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #77]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=373, Seq=2945159109 – 2945159482, Ack=939909, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
79 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=0, Seq=939909, Ack=2945159482, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
80 {TCP:15, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A.R.., SrcPort=62655, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2616215773, Ack=2351435540, Win=0 (scale factor 0x8) = 0
81 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=……S., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1691474629, Ack=0, Win=8192 ( Negotiating scale factor 0x8 ) = 8192
82 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A..S., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62657, PayloadLen=0, Seq=717738651, Ack=1691474630, Win=8192 ( Negotiated scale factor 0x8 ) = 2097152
83 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1691474630, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
84 {HTTP:21, TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman, Using Kerberos Authorization
85 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #84]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=1691476045 – 1691477460, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
86 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62657, PayloadLen=0, Seq=717738652, Ack=1691477460, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
87 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #84]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=1691477460 – 1691478875, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
88 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #84]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=1691478875 – 1691480290, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
89 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #84]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=1691480290 – 1691481705, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
90 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #84]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=1691481705 – 1691483120, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
91 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62657, PayloadLen=0, Seq=717738652, Ack=1691481705, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
92 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #84]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=362, Seq=1691483120 – 1691483482, Ack=717738652, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
93 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62657, PayloadLen=0, Seq=717738652, Ack=1691483482, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
94 {HTTP:21, TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin HTTP HTTP:Response, HTTP/1.1, Status Code = 200, URL: /wsman, Using Kerberos Authentication
95 {HTTP:21, TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
96 {HTTP:21, TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server MIME MIME:
97 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #96]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=129, Seq=1691485160 – 1691485289, Ack=717738993, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048
98 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62657, PayloadLen=0, Seq=717738993, Ack=1691485289, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
99 {HTTP:19, TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
100 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #99]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=62656, PayloadLen=409, Seq=941324 – 941733, Ack=2945159482, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
101 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2945159482, Ack=941733, Win=259 (scale factor 0x8) = 66304
102 {HTTP:21, TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
103 {TCP:20, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A.R.., SrcPort=62657, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1691485289, Ack=717740121, Win=0 (scale factor 0x8) = 0
104 {TCP:18, ESP:58, IPv6:57} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A.R.., SrcPort=62656, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2945159482, Ack=941733, Win=0 (scale factor 0x8) = 0

Command = Invoke-Command –Session $s {Get-Service LanManServer}

# Conversation ID Source Dest Protocol Description
1 NetmonFilter NetmonFilter:Updated Capture Filter: Source == “Server” OR Destination == “Server”
2 NetworkInfoEx NetworkInfoEx:Network info for , Network Adapter Count = 1
3 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
4 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server MIME MIME:
5 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #4]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49783, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1415, Seq=2205380353 – 2205381768, Ack=1454111481, Win=259
6 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #4]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=49783, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=1243, Seq=2205381768 – 2205383011, Ack=1454111481, Win=259
7 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Segment Lost]Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=49783, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1454111481, Ack=2205380353, Win=259
8 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=49783, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1454111481, Ack=2205383011, Win=259
9 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
10 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
11 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server MIME MIME:
12 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #11]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=49783, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=345, Seq=2205384689 – 2205385034, Ack=1454112855, Win=254
13 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=49783, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1454112855, Ack=2205385034, Win=259
14 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
15 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #14]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=49783, PayloadLen=1266, Seq=1454114270 – 1454115536, Ack=2205385034, Win=259
16 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49783, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2205385034, Ack=1454115536, Win=259
17 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server HTTP HTTP:Request, POST /wsman
18 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server MIME MIME:
19 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server TCP TCP:[Continuation to #18]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=49783, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=373, Seq=2205386712 – 2205387085, Ack=1454115536, Win=259
20 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=5985, DstPort=49783, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1454115536, Ack=2205387085, Win=259
21 {HTTP:43, TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin MIME MIME:MediaType = application/HTTP-Kerberos-session-encrypted
22 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Server Admin TCP TCP:[Continuation to #21]Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=5985, DstPort=49783, PayloadLen=409, Seq=1454116951 – 1454117360, Ack=2205387085, Win=259
23 {TCP:42, ESP:7, IPv6:6} Admin Server TCP TCP:Flags=…A…., SrcPort=49783, DstPort=5985, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2205387085, Ack=1454117360, Win=259

7. Conclusion

While the multiple ways to gather information about services on a remote computer look similar at the surface, they are radically different underneath.

This is by no means an exhausting study of all the different details about each option, but I believe there is enough to cover the main differences.
At first, Invoke-Command seems like an ideal choice for Administrators, since you can run any PowerShell commandlet remotely and leverage Web Services over HTTP (a common choice for modern solutions).

That’s until you look at the performance issue and the lack of methods on the resulting deserialized objects.

If are an IT Administrator executing just a few commands every once in a while, those issues might not be much of a difference.
If you intend to run a lot of commands against the same server with Invoke-Command, using the –Session option will save quite some time, but then things get a bit more complicated.

Get-WMIObject provides a lot of functionality, due to the large number of WMI providers available and it’s always remotable.

Performance is better than Invoke-Command for single commands per server and the resulting objects do have methods you can call.

You do have to get familiar with the WMI classes and learn how to write queries. This is not a big deal for developers, but this can turn off IT Administrators.

If the specific action you are trying to accomplish can be performed remotely with an RPC-based cmdlet like Get-Service, that’s probably your best choice.

If you are using doing something in a loop inside another loop for a large set of servers, the performance issue might make the other options less attractive.

The main issue here is that not all cmdlets support the –ComputerName option and you’re likely to need to combine this with the other options.

Here’s a summary of the main points:

Attribute RPC WMI WinRM WinRM
Ease of use by IT Administrator + + +
Ease of use by Developer + + + + + ++
Returns objects with methods + +
Uses web services over HTTP protocol + +
Many available commandlets/providers + + + + +
Performance for a single command + + ++ ++ ++
Performance for a thousand commands + + +

I hope this has post has help you understand your choices so you can select the best option for your specific case.

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